

09.30 Registration and coffee  

10.00 Welcome (Dr Tiffany Wood, Edinburgh Complex Fluids Partnership)  

10.10 Cleaning & Disinfection – How physicists can address the challenges (Prof Rosalind Allen, University of Edinburgh) 

Industry’s perspective 

10.20  Marine Biofouling Control Coatings Research and Development (Jennifer Longyear, AKZONOBEL) -30 min  

10.50 Aseptium and industrial challenges (Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski, ASEPTIUM) – 20 min 

11.10 Shining a light on disinfection ( Tristan Williams, Finsen Technologies Ltd) - 20 min

11.30 Refreshments 

11.55 Opportunities with the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (Prof Cait MacPhee, University of Edinburgh)

Insights from Soft Matter & Biological Physics Research  

12.00 The effect of surfactants on gel break-up (Prof Alex Lips, University of Edinburgh) 

12.15  The spread of bacteriophages through bacterial populations: 
implications for phage efficacy as antimicrobial agents.
(Dr Aidan Brown, University of Edinburgh) 

12.30  The physics of killing bacteria: the use of membrane-targeting 
antimicrobial peptides (AMP)
(Dr Simon Titmuss, University of Edinburgh) 

12.45 Collaboration Spotlight: KIMAL and the Edinburgh Complex Fluids Partnership (Steve Minett, KIMAL & Susana Direito, NBIC/ECFP)


13.00 Lunch 

14.00 1:1 meetings 

14.00 Poster session until 16.00

14.45 Tea/coffee and cake  

16.00 Facility tour 

17.00 Close